This one person was trying to tell some one else about pikachu tail. He said that you can’t really tell what gender pikachu is because pikachu had that tail before they made two different types of the tail to tell the gender. And since the person had two grammar mistakes someone wanted to be a douche about it. So now there is this war.
I am sorry my grammar might be messed up too and you probably don’t know what I am saying.
im pretty sure ur bitch ass always spells shit incorrectly you just put all of those grammar shits now so u wont look like a dum cow!!! Fuck man its porn for crying out loud and who tf wants to look at a fucking pikachu!!! FOR PORN!!!! I JUST CAME HERE TO SEE THE COMMENTS AND ALL I SEE IS A BITCH ASS PERSON WHO LOOKS AT THIS SHITTY PORN AND CORRECTS PEOPLE SO THEY CAN FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEMSELVES WELL FUCK YOU UR JUST all...terrible..
Dude, your entire sentience was grammatically incorrect. Put a comma after say, and have punctuation in the end of a sentience (in that case a ?). If you're going to act like an was at least don't look stupid while doing it.
Yeah dude calm down it’s still pretty obvious what he means so don’t act like a fucking prick about it. And also it’s not like you never made a grammar mistake in your life. Lastly how do you know if English is his first language or not.
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stuff again-
I just fap for all the images, i need more
I thought that there were be more than this
8/65 some hot shit
Do you realise, that this is random?
Not my proudest wank
Estoy mamadisimo hijos de su puta madre
Ufff :v
So umm, what?
I... Wh... I just..... WHAT!?
Hey,i think you will done pokemon mikiyu.
12:00:google:watch the porn
13:00:google:how to fuck a pokemon
Yeah you got that right
Ok this is weird :S
A grammar argument on a porn site perfect isn't.
This one person was trying to tell some one else about pikachu tail. He said that you can’t really tell what gender pikachu is because pikachu had that tail before they made two different types of the tail to tell the gender. And since the person had two grammar mistakes someone wanted to be a douche about it. So now there is this war.
I am sorry my grammar might be messed up too and you probably don’t know what I am saying.
Dafaq are you people on about
im pretty sure ur bitch ass always spells shit incorrectly you just put all of those grammar shits now so u wont look like a dum cow!!! Fuck man its porn for crying out loud and who tf wants to look at a fucking pikachu!!! FOR PORN!!!! I JUST CAME HERE TO SEE THE COMMENTS AND ALL I SEE IS A BITCH ASS PERSON WHO LOOKS AT THIS SHITTY PORN AND CORRECTS PEOPLE SO THEY CAN FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEMSELVES WELL FUCK YOU UR JUST all...terrible..
"tf wants to look at a fucking pikachu!!!"
70,284 people apparently
True that. Even porn isn’t safe from the grammar police
This is a very random argument
Wow all of this just because there was two grammar mistakes.
Dude, your entire sentience was grammatically incorrect. Put a comma after say, and have punctuation in the end of a sentience (in that case a ?). If you're going to act like an was at least don't look stupid while doing it.
Fuc u and Englis longuage fuke fac hav to try type with English keybored because i am Japanese Engli is hard to learrn because so stupidd
Yeah dude calm down it’s still pretty obvious what he means so don’t act like a fucking prick about it. And also it’s not like you never made a grammar mistake in your life. Lastly how do you know if English is his first language or not.
And also stfu it’s not like you never made a spelling or grammar mistake